Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A long overdue update

So, I'm very happy with my sulfate free hair life.

My current routine is a baking soda rinse, followed by a soak with apple cider vinegar.  (Both are diluted with water - my non-scientific recipe will follow).

What I've noticed is that my hair feels softer and it does seem to curl a little better.

Unscientific Recipes:

Baking Soda rinse:  About 1-2 tablespoons baking soda to 6-8oz of water.
Apple Cider Vinegar:  Somewhere between 1 part ACV to 3 parts water and 1 part ACV to 2 parts water.

You should play with it and discover what works best for your own hair if you decide to try it - that's what I did.

If anyone reads this and has any questions they want me to answer, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them in a new blog!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A small change in plans

Okay... so I'm finding that I REALLY don't like my hair on the baking soda days. I mean, it's still soft, but it gets frizzy and difficult to manage. I think for right now I'm going to switch to an every other day conditioner only/shampoo and conditioner regimen.

I'm considering the thought that I might need to use more diluted baking soda to get the desired effects, but I'm going to slow my roll a little here (so to speak), and let my hair gradually adjust to this new process. The one thing that I have noticed is that my scalp feels nicer and I'm having less flakes, so that's good news, but I seriously can't deal with ugly hair - I spent way too many of my teenage years hating my hair to go back to having it be unruly.

As I have said, this experiment is a work in progress. Experiments require adjustments, so it is not outside of the realm of possibility that I may not ditch shampoo, but merely shampoo which contains sulfates. I may carry this experiment all the way to hand soaps and body washes. I'm just not sure. But for now, I'm not 100% shampoo free, and I'm pretty okay with that.